
Glitter Santa Mason Jars

Apply Glue to Jars

Use a flat artist's brush to apply clear glue to the inside of the jar. Brush the glue on heavier towards the bottom of the jar and lighter towards the top. Feather edges of the glue towards the top and leave about 1/2 of the top of jar free of glue.

Apply Glitter to Glue
Immediately sprinkle glitter onto wet glue using a spoon. Roll jar around to allow glitter to coat all of the areas where glue was applied. Pour excess glitter back into container to be reused.

Top Off the Jar with Water
Fill the remainder of the jar with distilled water, leaving about 1/2 inch of space at the top of the jar. Wipe any drips on the rim with a paper towel.

Seal the Jar and Shake
You may wish to squeeze a ring of hot glue or water-resistant super glue around the lid of the jar. Press the lid onto the jar and secure it with the metal ring.