How To Remove Pet Urine
Step 1: Find Invisible, Dried Urine Stains With a Blacklight Flashlight
Here is a clever way to track down those urine stains you can smell but cannot see!
Use an LED/UV Cat-Dog-Pet Urine Stain Blacklight Flashlight. The gadget is an ultraviolet or 'blacklight' that has an LED, low-energy bulb. Just shine it over your carpet or upholstery, and those little 'whoopsies' will become visible, so you can deal with them.

Step 2: Blot Up the Urine Immediately
Grab a length of around six sheets of kitchen roll (paper towel).
Fold this into a six-sheet thick square, and press it down onto the wet area of the carpet with your foot.
Repeat with a fresh paper towel until the area is as dry as you can get it.
The trick is to make sure you get as much of the dog urine blotted up as possible before you start.

Step 3: Use a Homemade Deodorizing Vinegar Solution
I like to keep a spray bottle handy containing a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water. The vinegar does smell a bit strong, but it does not last long and is definitely the best dog urine odor remover because it neutralizes the ammonia.

Step 4: Use Baking Soda to Remove the Vinegar Smell
Once you have got the area as dry as you can, liberally sprinkle on baking soda, and work it into the fibers of the carpet with your fingertips. Leave the baking soda for 30 minutes to soak up all the vinegar and smells.

Step 5: Vacuum the Area
Once the baking soda you put on is dry, you just need to vacuum this out of your carpet, and you're done!