Easy Hacks To Clean Stainless Steel

Magic Lemon
1. Mix together hot water and lemon juice. You can add some baking soda
2. Pour this mixture into the stainless steel pot, then use damp sponge to wash the gunk away.

Use of Vinegar
1. Pour one part vinegar and one part water in a clean spray bottle.
2. Spray it on your stainless steel appliance
3. After wiping, you can spray on more vinegar for stubborn stains

Benefits of baking soda
1. Only mix baking soda and water until the desired consistency
2. Simply rub a baking soda and water paste into the drum, let it sit for a few minutes
3. Use a dry cloth to rub the baking soda

All-purpose flour
1. Clean the pot to remove any dirt
2. Sprinke the pot with flour, use as much flour as you’d like.
3. Use soft cloth to buff the flour and clean the pot